Support the Foundation

We invite you to give generously to the Foundation.

resources-foundationWhy do we, as the Foundation, do what we do?

Even while nations rise or fall, economies grow or falter, and entire civilizations flourish or fade, local congregations of the church of Jesus Christ continue to need the worship of God, the preaching of the gospel, the teaching of the faith, the gathering of members, and the care of souls. We can help.

How do we do what we do?

We provide for the guided reading, study, understanding, and recovery of the historic teachings and Reformed theology of the church and for the explication and application of this theology to the faith and life of congregations today, helping to build them up through better preaching, better teaching, and better pastoral care.

What do we do?

We gather ministers into week long seminars, year after year, for in-depth study and discussion of the classical texts of Reformed theology and for their mutual support and encouragement. We reimburse expenses for room, board, and travel. We also provide staffing, resources, reading lists and plans, translations, publications, lectures, and graduate scholarships to undergird and enhance their work.

Who does this?

You and I do this, providing for this work through our gifts. I am inviting us all to give generously and joyfully to the Foundation.