by John H. Leith
John Leith wrote Basic Christian Doctrine to be accessible to members of the church. The last chapter, on the Christian hope, particularly hope for eternal life, has proven especially helpful and meaningful. The Foundation is grateful to have received permission from Westminster John Knox Press to reprint this chapter as a booklet.
These would be good for every member of a church staff. These would be good for every elder. These would be good for every deacon. These would be good for each church member who has ever suffered the loss of a loved one to death.
These booklets, John H. Leith, The Christian Hope, are available in packets of twenty copies for $45. To order them, please contact:
Mr. Tyler Stewart, Custom Reprinting Coordinator
Wipf & Stock Publishers
199 West 8th Avenue, Suite 3
Eugene, Oregon 97401-2960 USA
541.344.1528 (phone)
541.344.1506 (fax)