Category: John Calvin Studies
Calvin Studies VIII: The Westminster Confession in Current Thought, Presented at the Colloquium on Calvin Studies held January 26–27, 1996, at Davidson College and the Davidson College Presbyterian Church, Davidson, North Carolina
John Leith, “The Westminster Confession in Its Historical, Social and Theological Context,” pp. 1–13
Richard A. Muller, “‘The Only Way of Man’s Salvation’: Scripture in the Westminster Confession,” pp. 14–33
Timothy George, “Baptists and the Westminster Confession,” pp. 34–41
James C. Goodloe IV, “The Influence of the Westminster Confession of Faith on American Culture,” pp. 42–57
J. Wayne Baker, “Heinrich Bullinger, the Covenant, and the Reformed Tradition in Retrospect,” pp. 58–75
David Wright, “Baptism at the Westminster Assembly,” pp. 76–90
Stanley R. Hall, “The Westminster Directory and Reform of Worship,” pp. 91–105
D. G. Hart, “The Spirituality of the Church, The Westminster Standards, and Nineteenth-Century American Protestantism,” pp. 106–118
Calvin Studies IX: Papers Presented at the Ninth Colloquium on Calvin Studies, Davidson College and the Davidson College Presbyterian Church, Davidson, North Carolina, January 30–31, 1998