Category: John Calvin Studies
Richard A. Ray, “John Calvin on Theatrical Trifles in Worship,” pp. 99–109
Hughes Oliphant Old, “Biblical Wisdom Theology and Calvin’s Understanding of the Lord’s Supper,” pp. 111–136
David Willis-Watkins, “Calvin’s Theology of Pastoral Care,” pp. 137–146
Calvin Studies VII: Presented at a Colloquium on Calvin Studies at Davidson College and Davidson College Presbyterian Church, Davidson, North Carolina, January 28–29, 1994
Philip W. Butin, “Christ’s Ministry and Ours: A Trinitarian and Reformed Perspective on the Ministry of the Whole People of God,” pp. 1–13
David F. Wright, “Sixteenth Century Reformed Perspectives on the Minority Church,” pp. 15–29
William Klempa, “Barth as a Scholar and Interpreter of Calvin,” pp. 31–49
Hughes Oliphant Old, “Calvin as Evangelist: A Study of the Reformer’s Sermons in Preparation for the Christian Celebration of Passover,” pp. 51–60
Hughes Oliphant Old, “What Is Reformed Spirituality? Played Over Again Lightly,” pp. 61–68
Hughes Oliphant Old, “Matthew Henry and the Puritan Discipline of Family Prayer, pp. 69–91