Merwyn Johnson, “Calvin’s Significance for Evangelism Today,” pp. 119–133
Rodolphe Peter, “The Geneva Primer or Calvin’s Elementary Catechism,” translated by Charles E. Raynal, pp. 135–161
Calvin Studies VI: Presented at a Colloquium on Calvin Studies at Davidson College and Davidson College Presbyterian Church, Davidson, North Carolina, January 17–18, 1992
Heiko A. Oberman, “John Calvin: The Mystery of His Impact,” pp. 1–14
Iain S. Maclean, “The First Pietist: An Introduction and Translation of a Communion Sermon by Jodocus van Lodenstein,” pp. 15–34
Ross J. Miller, “Calvin’s Understanding of Psalm-Singing as a Means of Grace,” pp. 35–48
Ross J. Miller, “Music and the Spirit: Psalm-Singing in Calvin’s Liturgy,” pp. 49–58
P. Mark Achtemeier, “Reflections on Calvin’s Catechetics,” pp. 59–76
Thomas J. Davis, “An Intermediate Brilliance: The Words of Institution and the Gift of Knowledge in Calvin’s Eucharistic Theology,” pp. 77–86
Donald K. McKim, “Death, Funerals and Prayers for the Dead in Calvin’s Theology,” pp. 87–98