John H. Leith, “The Davidson Colloquium on Calvin Studies: A Brief History,” pp. 3–5
Presentations for Distinguished Service to Calvin Studies, p. 6 + four unnumbered pages of pictures
Thomas F. Torrance, “The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity: Gregory of Nazianzen and Calvin,” pp. 7–19
Wilhelm H. Neuser, “Calvin Studies: A Review. The Work of the Calvin Congresses and their Future Tasks and Goals,” pp. 21–27
I. John Hesselink, “Governed and Guided by the Spirit—A Key Issue in Calvin’s Doctrine of the Holy Spirit,” pp. 29–40
Edward A. Dowey, “Heinrich Bullinger as Theologian: Thematic, Comprehensive, Schematic,” pp. 41–60
E. Randolph Daniel, “The Spread of Apocalypticism, 1188–1500: Why Calvin Could Not Reject It,” pp. 61–71
Charles E. Raynal, “John Calvin’s Teaching About Eternal Life: Its Reformation Setting and Religious Significance,” pp. 73–93
W. Fred Graham, “The Constructive Revolutionary Revisited,” pp. 95–101
James C. Goodloe IV, “The Body in Calvin’s Theology,” pp. 103–117